Bowling for fitness, fun and friendship
Health & Safety Policy
The members of Wollaton Bowling Club must recognise their responsibilities under Health and Safety at Work and Leisure legislation.
The Club as far as is reasonably practicable, has the duty to ensure the following:
To provide and maintain a safe Clubhouse and Green, safe equipment and a safe environment for its members and visitors.
To ensure hazards are identified and that there is regular assessment of risks.
To ensure the Club takes appropriate protective and preventative measures.
To promote awareness of Health and Safety encouraging best practice.
To provide access to adequate first aid facilities.
To record any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or whilst on the club premises.
To undertake regular, recorded risk assessments of the Club’s premises and all activities undertaken by the club. This will include a pre-season risk assessment to ensure appropriate measures are in place to eliminate/mitigate risk before the start of the season.
As a Club Member you have a duty to:
Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do.
Co-operate with the club on health and safety issues.
Correctly use and store all equipment provided by the club.
Report any damaged equipment or areas of concern.
Wear suitable footwear on the Green.
Take care on walkways and surrounds. Take special care stepping onto and off the greens.
Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.
Recognised areas of risks
Use of machinery
Food safety
First aid
Adults at risk
Measures in place to mitigate risk.
Trips/Falls: Members are instructed to keep the clubhouse clear of unnecessary paraphernalia that might cause an accident.
Members and visitors are instructed to take care on walkways and surrounds and take special care stepping onto and off the green. Walkways are kept clear and well maintained.
Fire: No smoking signs are prominently displayed. Fire extinguishers are installed and inspected annually by qualified personnel.
Electricity: Electrical installations and portable electrical equipment are subject to periodical inspection and testing.
Chemicals: Chemicals and Fertilizers are held securely under lock and key.
Use of Machinery: All machinery is kept maintained and regularly serviced.
Food Safety: Kitchen facilities are maintained to a high standard. A deep clean of the kitchen occurs annually. Good food hygiene is observed.
First Aid: A first aid box is available in the Clubhouse and the Away Changing Room. There is also a defibrillator in the Cricket Pavilion. There is an accident book provided to record all incidents.
Adults at Risk: The Club has a clearly publicised Safeguarding Policy available in the Clubhouse and on the website.